
Gun Rescue: Lakefield Mark II – Part 1

This is the rifle I picked out for our rescue project. The Lakefield Mark II .22lr. It’s a bolt action rifle made before 1995. We know this because it is a Lakefield and not a Savage Mark II. Savage bought Lakefield in 1995 and changed nothing but the name to the Mark II in ’95 then heaped glory upon it by make it Savage’s premier .22 bolt action rifle in almost every configuration you can think of. This particular Lakefield was built before all that.

As you can see from a few of the images below, our used rifle has had it’s share of hard knocks. Most of the steel is pitted, scratched, and rusted in some form. The wood stock (Made from Birch) is banged up at best. At a distance it looks OK at best, any good look at it will reveal a lifetime of hard abuse.

We aim to fix this. The next post will have some work done and a good step towards completion of the project.

9 thoughts on “Gun Rescue: Lakefield Mark II – Part 1

  • Victor Cohen

    I have this rifle. Purchased it brand new a long time ago and have only fired once. Can you believe that? About to get to the range and start firing on a regular basis. Can you tell me if the Savage Mark II magazine will fit the Lakefeild Mark II?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Sean O'Hara

      They sure will. The Savage Mark II magazine I just purchased a few months ago fits absolutely perfectly into my Lakefield Mark II. Happy shooting sir!

      • Victor Cohen

        Thank you for confirming that.

  • Dennis Merber

    I’ve got a Lakefield Mark II from 1970 vintage and am looking for a trigger assembly. The old one had an 8lb pull and wondering if worth trying to fix, replace with the same, or is there something else out there that would do the job better. A friend next door does gunsmithing and has it down to 6 lbs but he’s afraid doing anymore work on it might turn it into an unpredictable trigger. Any thoughts out there?

    • Sean O'Hara

      The Lakefield does have a heavy trigger when compared to its modern sister. I’m not sure if the old Lakefield’s can be modded with an accu-trigger which will take it down to 2.5lbs – but it might be something to look into.

  • i’m trying to track down a bolt assembly…anyone know a good resource? the typical gunpartscorp.com search didn’t have anything and i’m not seing anything other than magazines on ebay, gunbroker and armslist…am I going to have to bite the bullet and just buy a new firearm? hope not hahahaha

  • Chris Guignard

    I have a Mark 2, learned to shoot with it, it is mint, bolt was gummed up, so I took it out to clean it and lost the whole bolt assembly in a move about 20 years ago, been looking for one ever since. Help!

  • James trevathan

    Looking for a front site . My grandson has to have a bolt action no scope for 4-H camp . Site is missing


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