Welcome to Hawk’s Eye Guns!

We love to: shoot for sport, collect, rescue, and repair, firearms. Sadly, there are very few places that focus on these simple yet enjoyable things. This site and accompanying podcast were created in answer to combat the scarcity of the joy of shooting. Join Jake and Sean as they walk through their obsession and constant bad decision-making in purchasing or drooling over yet another firearm.

Latest Podcasts

Cast 116: Weatherby Sorix

Weatherby makes a big splash in the waterfowl vertical in 2024 with the Sorix. It goes right after the segment leaders and makes a good showing while doing it. We are impressed and can’t wait to get our hands on one.

More >> Cast 116: Weatherby Sorix

Cast 113: Remington 105 CTi

Kicking off Jake’s new format we begin with the tragic tale of Remington’s 105 CTi. It’s terrible, hard to find, and funny-looking so of course Sean is obsessed with it. Then in better form, we talk about more desirable guns that are equally discontinued.

More >> Cast 113: Remington 105 CTi

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Ithaca’s of Yesterday

I have a particular weakness for old shotguns. Not just because I find them beautiful, I do, but I a…

Seward Leather

I have a favorite knife. It’s a simple enough statement but one that proved to be a little ann…

Fixing My Ithaca Model 51 Featherlight Shotgun

Almost a year ago to the day I traded some work for an Ithaca Model 51 Featherlight autoloading shot…

M-CARBO Pro Trigger Kit for the Savage Axis

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